The B.Arch. undergraduate course is required to serve a dual purpose. It involves the integration of architectural education with related or parallel fields such as construction, engineering, town planning, product design etc.

Professional Training:      16 weeks of practical training is required to equip building designers with knowledge and capabilities which can be certified by the Council of Architecture to enable their registration as professional architects.

Educational purpose:       The educational purpose is an essential supplement to the professional one, in that professional practice is guided by a broader understanding of the discipline of architecture: its cultural and sociological roots, and its many branches of technological advance. In its best sense, architectural education’s role is to critically evaluate and to expand the relevance and purpose of architectural work beyond the conventional confines of current professional practice.

The curricular structure divides the 5-year (10-semester) B.Arch. course into two levels – Basic Level (six semesters) and Advance Level (three semesters). This is as envisaged in the Council of Architecture Guidelines.            

Basic Level

This level focuses on providing a firm foundation to building design at a relatively simple level.

Advance Level

At this level building design is taken to higher levels of scale and complexity. It promotes development towards specialisation and an engagement with speculative theory and experimentation.


TVBSHS is a laboratory where the interaction between the two realms of “training” and “education” takes place. The responsibility of the School towards “profession” must be guided primarily by considerations of professional accountability in the delivery of the built environment. This calls for hard and essential knowledge of building technologies and processes, and the ability to configure suitable spatial arrangements for the built environment.  This objective also calls for courses in areas of interpretive knowledge and in specialised branches related to architecture guided by the school philosophy.

The Definitive fields of knowledge in Architecture are those which are considered to be essential requirements for professional functions of the architect eg. Mathematics, Materials and Construction etc. The list of all such subjects are given in the chart below.

Interpretative fields of knowledge are those which play a supplementary role as qualifiers in the production of architecture eg. History, Theory, Criticism etc. The list of all such subjects are given in the chart below.

Central position of “architectural design studio”: The two streams of definitive and interpretative knowledge are seen as flanking the central activity of Architectural Design Studio in which the two knowledge streams are to be synthesised. The teaching of architectural design and the related communication skills is based on the “atelier” model on which there is broad consensus and long tradition of practice.


All semesters carry equal total credit weightage of 42 credits, of which three credits are given in semesters 1 to 8 for school-centred co-curricular programmes (activities) which students are required to attend. The Practical Training semester carries 20 credits only. The credit weightage given to each course represents the relative value of the course in the total scheme.



CURRICULAR  CREDIT STRUCTURE << Also includes Subject details.