The School strengthens its knowledge and resource base by constantly undertaking research and documentation projects co-ordinated by members of the faculty. The research programmes may be grouped under the following heads:


Related Studies Program

This is part of the activities of the School curriculum. The School has undertaken settlement studies, historical research and conservation documentation in various geographical, cultural and historical places e.g. Mukhba, Bharmour, Shahjahanabad, Kankhal, Garhwal, Shekhawati, Varanasi, Mandi, Rewalsar and Goa.

On the occasion of fifty years of Independence, the School documented and analysed post-independence architecture of Delhi and presented it in the form of an exhibition consisting of numerous analytic panels.

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Sponsored Research

The School has also received funding from Government bodies to undertake research projects on their behalf. Some of these are producing an environmental report for TIFAC of the Department of Science and Technology, settlement study in Arunachal Pradesh for HSMI, documentation and analysis of vernacular architecture of Kumaon for the Department of Culture, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.

Sometimes, the funding comes from private organisations like Hamlyn Foundation to research on the temples of Khajuraho.

Collaborative research with other Institutions.

The School has also undertaken collaborative research with overseas institutions like ENSP, University of Versailles and ETSAB, University of Barcelona, with whom we studied the Barapulla Nalla Project. A climate study in Jaisalmer was undertaken in collaboration with Oxford Brookes University and Slum Improvement Programme with MIT, Cambridge, USA.

The School has established a link with Max Lock Centre, University of Westminster, United Kingdom and is planning to set up a Patrick Geddes Study Centre.


Dissertation is a part of the curriculum at Advanced Level (Semester 8). The course is intended to enlighten the students on the fundamentals of research methods. Details of this programme and abstracts of some of the Gold Medal winning dissertations may be accessed through the link dissertation.